Peace kit

as you walk and talk and breathe, as you sleep with these and swallow those, I am waiting.

I am waiting inside while outside the skies rise to reach over the mountain and cry beats onto earth from the rainless clouds

feel the bass in your chest. it only serves to let you know that you can never touch it

it commands you nonetheless. ancient war fields and asphyxiating dance floors one and the same

can you prove that you have loved. do you have the scars and the dullness of vision.

can you prove that you do love. do you have the cookware and the supplies you need.

can you hold onto your supply for one more day. can you store it and come back. can you trust it all alone.

can you trust yourself? all alone

Movement II

lie. basic human regret. a commodity in our society of ambiguity. a talent and a flaw. unless you don’t get caught. artists and liars, by any other name. lie to the one closest to you until they aren’t. lie to the one farthest away until they are yours. and most of all lie until you don’t think you are anymore. become who you deceive.

high. a place to get. a commodity for facing trial; denial. irresistable and unallowable. unless you don’t get caught. summer days, amphetamines, one and the same. industries devoted to escaping reality. pharmaceuticals running the day-time world; drug drugs running the night. through dxm or the new hit movie, every living human must escape.

die. where our sights are set. a commodity we trade for our identities. giving meaning and taking more. unless you just don’t care. twin brother to sleep. refreshing and rewarding, as long as you do it right. for a cause or after one’s done. a loss of second chances. but also a loss of second failures. we can only see light from here.

so try.